Available courses

Fogyatékkal élő tanulók inkluzív oktatása

A résztvevők fejleszthetik ismereteiket, készségeiket és pozitív hozzáállásukat az inklúzióval és az emberi jogokkal kapcsolatban, különösen a fogyatékkal élő gyermekek esetében. 

A tanfolyam hasznos mind a fogyatékkal élő személyek szülei vagy családtagjai, mind a fogyatékkal élő személyekkel foglalkozó tanárok számára legyenek azok a tanítványaik vagy a tanítványaik szülei. 

A tanfolyam a PARENTING TOGETHER projekt keretében kifejlesztett anyagokon alapul. További információért látogasson el a projekt honlapjára: https://course.parentingtogether.eu/. 

Course creator: mbo sector, Myrthe Stienstra

Kora gyerekkori inkluzív oktatás

A kurzus résztvevői ismereteket szerezhetnek az inklúzió alapelveiről és a fogyatékosságról, az inkluziv tanulási környezet kialakításának módszereiről, ötleteket kaphatnak kora gyerekkorban elvégezhető inkluzív tevékenységekre és a szülőkkel való hatékony együttműködésre. Egy önértékelési eszköz segítségével felmérhetik saját módszereiket és jelenlegi gyakorlatukat, amely segíti, hogy inkluzívabb módon dolgozzanak. A kurzus nem csupán pedagógusok, de szülők számára is hasznos ismereteket tartalmaz. 

Course creator: mbo sector, Myrthe Stienstra

Az oktatás mint közös felelősség

A kurzus résztvevői megismerkedhetnek az oktatás mint közös felelősség fogalmával, képesek lesznek feltérképezni saját környezetüket a potenciális partnerek számára, és megismerkednek néhány kihívással, különös tekintettel a profitorientált vállalatokkal való együttműködésre vagy a megfelelő nyelvi regiszter megtalálására. 

Course creator: mbo sector, Myrthe Stienstra

A családok bevonása

A családok, különösen a szülők gyakran okoznak fejfájást a tanároknak. Ez a kurzus segít megérteni, hogy milyen fontos a családdal való együttműködés az iskolai siker érdekében, valamint ötleteket ad, hogy az iskola és a család együttműködése miként segíti az inklúziót. 

Course creator: mbo sector, Myrthe Stienstra

A nyitott iskola

A kurzus résztvevői részletesen megismerkedhetnek a nyitott iskola fogalmával, a megvalósítást segítő és gátló tényezőkkel. Gyakorlati információkat kapnak nyitott iskolai programok megvalósításához és fenntartásához és áttekinthetik, miként függ össze a nyitott iskola a tudományos tantárgyak oktatásával. A modern tanulási stratégiák tudatos alkalmazása segítheti a nyitott iskolai programok gyakorlati bevezetését. 

Course creator: mbo sector, Myrthe Stienstra

Az együttműködő iskola

Az ismert afrikai közmondás szerint egy gyermek felneveléséhez az egész falu kell.  A minőségi, inkluzív oktatáshoz valóban mindenkivel együtt kell működnünk, aki támogatni tud minket munkánkban. Ebben a kurzusban a résztvevők megismerkedhetnek az együttműködő iskolával, az ezzel kapcsolatos alapfogalmakkal, valamint feltérképezhetik, hogy kik a legfontosabb szövetségesek, akikkel a tanárok együtt dolgozhatnak, és mik a fő kihívások, amelyekkel ezen a téren szembesülhetnek.  

Course creator: mbo sector, Myrthe Stienstra

Vezetés a változásért

A kurzus résztvevői megismerkedhetnek Michael Fullan, a neves kanadai oktatáskutató változás menedzsmenttel kapcsolatos gondolataival. Az inkluzív oktatásra való áttéréshez jelentős változásokra van szükség az iskolákban, és a változás megfelelő menedzselése elengedhetetlen a sikerhez. Fullan részletes útmutatásai alapján a résztvevők tervet készíthetnek, hogy saját intézményükben hogyan vezessenek be egy rendszerszintű változást. 

Course creator: mbo sector, Myrthe Stienstra

Bevezetés a tanulás menedzsmentbe

A kurzus résztvevői ismereteket szerezhetnek, hogy miként válhatnak a tanárok a tanulás vezetőivé, a "tudás forrása" helyett a tanulás tudatos segítőivé. A különböző tanulási módok és tanulásvezetői stílusok mélyebb megismerése révén hatékony, inkluzív módszertant alakíthatnak ki.

Course creator: Ezgi Gecin, Myrthe Stienstra
Teacher: Ezgi Gecin

Inkluzió tanulóközpontú módszerekkel

A kurzus résztvevői megismerkedhetnek a tanulóközpontú tanulási módszerekkel, megérthetik a különbséget az iskola/tanterv-központú és a tanulóközpontú módszerek között, és felismerhetik, hogy ezek a módszerek még a legmerevebb iskolarendszerekben is megvalósíthatók.

Course creator: mbo sector, Myrthe Stienstra

Inklúzió az osztályteremben

Az emberi jogok – különösen az oktatáshoz, az esélyegyenlőséghez és a sokszínűséghez való jog – fokozatos megszilárdulása vezetett az inklúzió megjelenéséhez és használatához a mai társadalomban. Az inklúzió az integráció folyamatát egy lépéssel továbbviszi és az élet különböző területeire terjeszti ki – társadalmi, munkahelyi, családi stb. területen.  Alapvető vonatkozási pontja a szociális aspektus, ezért állítják szembe a társadalmi kirekesztéssel. A társadalom határozza meg az igényeket, az értékeket és az inkluzív elveket, vagyis az integráció nem korlátozódik az oktatási kontextusra, hanem transzverzális eszmét képez, amelynek minden területen jelen kell lennie: az iskolában, a családban és a társadalmi közösségekben. A kurzus feladatainak elvégzésével a résztvevők gyakorlati ismeretekre tehetnek szert az inklúzió elveinek alkalmazásáról napi munkájuk során.

Course creator: mbo sector, Myrthe Stienstra

Önismeret az iskolai inklúzióban

Az iskolai inklúzió világszerte egyre inkább elvárássá vált. Ez kihívás elé állítja a tanárokat, hogy olyan pedagógiát és gyakorlatokat keressenek, amelyek segítik az osztályaikban jelentkező sokféleség kezelését. Ez a kurzus az önreflexió és önismeret fontosságára hívja fel a figyelmet és hasznos tevékenységeket mutat be az inkluzív gyakorlat fejlesztéséhez a tanításra készülésben, a tanítás gyakorlatában és a másokkal való együttműködésben.


A kurzus elvégzésével a következő célkitűzések valósulnak meg:


A másság, a tudattalan előítéletek, a pozitív önkép és a perspektívaváltás fogalmainak áttekintése.

Az előítéletek és sztereotípiák megkérdőjelezése és lebontása.

Empatikus válaszok kidolgozása a tanulók igényeivel kapcsolatban

Course creator: mbo sector, Myrthe Stienstra

Stress management for persons with disabilities

Participants will understand what stress is and how the brain responds in stressful situations. They will receive information about what causes stress both for the child with intellectual and developmental disabilities and for the child’s family and how stress can be managed. 

The course is useful both for parents or family members of persons with disabilities (PWD) and teachers working with PWD – be them their students or their students’ parents. 

The course is based on the materials developed in the ELPIDA project. For further information, visit the project website: https://www.elpida-project.eu 

Course creator: mbo sector, Myrthe Stienstra

Supporting parents of children with disabilities

Participants will develop their knowledge and positive attitudes regarding the various challenges of parenting children with disabilities. 

The course is useful both for parents or family members of children with disabilities and teachers or social workers/health professionals who are in contact with the parents of children with disabilities. 

The course is based on the materials developed in the PARENTING TOGETHER project. For further information, visit the project website: https://course.parentingtogether.eu/

Course creator: mbo sector, Myrthe Stienstra

Inclusive education support for students with disabilities

Participants will develop their knowledge, skills, and positive attitudes regarding inclusion and human rights particularly for children with disabilities. 

The course is useful both for parents or family members of persons with disabilities (PWD) and teachers working with PWD – be them their students or their students’ parents. 

The course is based on the materials developed in the PARENTING TOGETHER project. For further information, visit the project website: https://course.parentingtogether.eu/ 

Course creator: mbo sector, Myrthe Stienstra

Human rights for all

Participants will learn about human rights with a special emphasis on the human rights of people with disabilities (PWD). They will reflect on possible barriers on exercising these rights and be introduced to ways of overcoming them.  

The course is useful both for parents or family members of PWD and teachers working with PWD be them their students or their students’ parents. 

The course is based on the materials developed in the ELPIDA project. For further information, visit the project website: https://www.elpida-project.eu 

Course creator: mbo sector, Myrthe Stienstra

Effective home-school communication

Participants will learn about methods and tools of home-school communication, some of which might not be part of their own national school culture. This will help them understand what, how, why schools and parents may communicate and why parent well-being and a strong parent community serves the best interest of the child. This course can help both teachers and parents. 

Course creator: mbo sector, Myrthe Stienstra

Inclusive science education and art

Science education plays an important role in motivating and encouraging young people to pursue science careers. We all want more young people to aspire to a career in science, and to be able to think scientifically in their everyday life. Yet the traditional curriculum results in too many students thinking that ‘science is not for me’.  

STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) alone misses several key components that many employers, educators, and parents have voiced as critical for our children to thrive in the present and rapidly approaching future. In traditional STEM classes the critical process of creativity and innovation is missing. By adding arts (STEM+A = STEAM) students can connect their learning with arts practices, elements, design principles, and standards. STEAM removes limitations and replaces them with wonder, critique, inquiry, and innovation. 

The activities are partly based on the open resources of the Connect project. Visit the project website to find further useful tools: https://www.connect-science.net/ 

Course creator: mbo sector, Myrthe Stienstra

Group management

This course will help participants understand their role in a group, the benefits and challenges of working with groups and to help them find ways to keep the members of a group of motivated and effective. Participants will also learn to plan a successful educational action. 

Course creator: mbo sector, Myrthe Stienstra

Problem solving and decision-making

This course is suitable both for parents and for teachers who wish to support parents. Participants will be introduced to some main concepts about entrepreneurial education and main ideas about the importance of problem solving and decision making in a family. Participants will

• Know the importance of developing entrepreneurial skills at an early age.
• Be able to evaluate their own knowledge about teaching styles.
• Develop their skills as educators based on their own experiences.
• Organize spaces in the family/school environment for the development of entrepreneurial teaching styles.

Course creator: mbo sector, Myrthe Stienstra

Fostering Creativity & Innovative Ideas

This course is suitable both for parents and for teachers who wish to support parents. Through this course learners will understand that creativity is used for self-expression, self-actualisation, bonding and joy, and as it increases optimism, happiness, well-being and the willingness to understand things, it plays an important role in increasing a child’s motivation, resilience, perseverance both at home and at school and later in work life. Creativity fosters finding a meaning and internal motivation. Internal motivation is important for perseverance. It helps to set goals, plan activities, manage stress and overcome failures. Creativity increases the level of openness and tolerance of insecurity. Therefore, it helps us to adapt in increasingly complex and uncertain times, and address crisis in transformative ways. Another benefit of creativity is improving collaboration skillsthrough increasing the level of empathy and understanding of others, the ability to take criticism, creating and promoting an appropriate atmosphere, and by improving one’s self-esteem and expression of emotions. By the end of this course, learners will be able to:

  • understand and define what creativity is
  • understand the creative process and its importance in problem solving
  • understand how to evaluate outcomes of a creative process
  • foster a child’s creativity, motivation and perseverance
  • describe and apply creative tools and activities 
  • articulate potential benefits of creativity and innovative ideas to children.

Course creator: mbo sector, Myrthe Stienstra

Self-awareness & self-efficacy

This course is suitable both for parents and for teachers who wish to support parents. It is based on the understanding that parents are likely to be better informal educators and have a more active approach to life and ‘good enough parenting’ according to their levels of self-awareness. In order to enhance their children’s self-esteem, self-efficacy, sense of initiative, creativity and openness to an entrepreneurial spirit, parents need great self-awareness, a readiness to work upon themselves, critical thinking skills, creativity, curiosity and an understanding of their motivations, patterns and preferred behaviours. It is always beneficial to explore any formative experiences which may have influenced values and may show up in unhelpful ways, potentially being projected, often unknowingly onto their children. With an openness to acknowledge weaknesses and flaws and the ability to address improvements in themselves, through new tools, techniques and positive psychology, parents will be able to provide benefits within the whole family and community setting.

Course creator: mbo sector, Myrthe Stienstra

Entrepreneurial education and creative thinking

In this course participants will better understand the importance of instilling and fostering two important skills, namely creative thinking as well as planning and management in children. It is suitable both for parents and  for teachers who wish to support parents.They will learn about practical activities they can carry out with children to develop these skills but will also have the opportunity to read about interesting research and insights. They will comprehend how important these skills are for tackling global challenges as well as in everyday problem-solving scenarios.

Course creator: mbo sector, Myrthe Stienstra

Developing a positive mindset

This course is designed to promote personal learning for parents, parents learning with their children and parents learning with other parents to promote learning with their children. It is also suitable for teachers who wish to support parents. The module presents activities, tools and strategies, to develop competence in using imagination and abilities to identify opportunities to create value for others. The learning develops understanding how to critically analyse ideas and issues. 


Course creator: mbo sector, Myrthe Stienstra

Whole school approach and open schooling

“It takes a village to raise a child.” The African proverb is probably overused, but for quality, inclusive education we need to engage with everybody who can support us in our work. In this course, you will be introduced to the basic notions related to open schooling and the whole school approach, as well as the key allies teachers can work with and the main challenges you are facing in it.

Course creator: mbo sector, Myrthe Stienstra

Learning leadership

Participants will be offered an insight into a new role for teachers as leaders of learning. The key elements that will be highlighted are trust, leadership styles, and the benefits of the teacher becoming a conscious facilitator of learning rather than the “source of knowledge” type of lecturer.

Course creator: mbo sector, Myrthe Stienstra

External community engagement

Participants will learn about the notion of education as a common good, will be able to map their own environment for potential partners and will be introduced to some challenges with special focus on engaging with for-profit companies 

Course creator: mbo sector, Myrthe Stienstra

Student-to-student peer support methods

This inclusive approach is not based on the usual setting where the teacher is trying to control learning, but offers participants ideas on how to facilitate peer learning and to understand its benefits.

Course creator: mbo sector, Myrthe Stienstra

Promoting entrepreneurship

The aim of this course is to promote entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education. The approach is informed by the view that education, more particularly entrepreneurship education, occurs in every environment and, most especially, in the home. In recognising that Entrepreneurship Education takes place both inside and outside school, it follows that inevitably there will be a much broader range of potential experiences for young learners outside schools within of non-formal education. For most, if not all learners, their school experience is within a consistent and structured curriculum.  In school although business related elements are taught as stand-alone subjects within the curriculum, it is recognised that Entrepreneurship education is best delivered, and supported, if approached in a transversal manner as well. 

Course creator: mbo sector, Myrthe Stienstra

Inclusive Education

In this course, participants will learn about the theory of inclusion in education and become familiar with the most often used terms. By supporting participants to carry out needs assessment, formative assessment and designing their work in a way that supports inclusion this course helps professionals navigate various school systems for equity and inclusion. The course focuses on the student, their individual needs and the benefits and modes of collaboration between them.

Course creator: mbo sector, Myrthe Stienstra

Parental engagement

In this module you will learn about the importance and challenges of parental engagement at school and in children’s learning, explore your own prejudices, receive tips on how to engage parents and how to improve communication between school staff and parents.

How to ensure confidentiality through policies in Postal Services

The purpose of this Microvet course is to familiarize learners with the concept of Confidentiality Policy within Postal Services. It specifically acquaints trainees with fundamental facets concerning the guarantee of privacy in offering postal services, encompassing the concept's definition, instances of violations, and ramifications for postal entities. Additionally, participants will gain insight into the pertinent legal structure, illustrated through real-world examples of its implementation in practical work scenarios.

Introduction to computers (Part 1)

This course is about hardware and software, computer structure, input units, output units, central processing unit, main memory, auxiliary memory units. 

Introduction to Computers- Representation and encoding of information (Part 3)

By the end of this course, learners will be able to learn about computer data representation (ASCII code, EBCDIC code, Unicode), Boolean algebra (basic operations, truth tables), and numbering systems (binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal, examples of conversions in numerical systems. 


  • Unicode
  • Boolean algebra

Course creator: Konstantina Laskari

Introduction to computers-Operating Systems & Computer Networks (Part 4)

By the end of this course, the learners will be able to learn about the operating systems (the MS-DOS, the Windows Operating System, the UNIX Operating System, the Mac OS X Operating System, the Linux Operating System) and Operating Systems and Systems Software. 


  • Operating Systems (Operating System)
  • Multiprogramming
  • multitasking
  • multiprocessing
  • MS-DOS (MicroSoft-Disk Operating System)
  • Linux
  • Mac OS X
  • UNIX
  • Windows

Course creator: Konstantina Laskari

Legal Framework Concerning Personal Data

A new environment for the protection and processing of client data is created by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679, which supersedes the Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC and aims to harmonize data privacy rules throughout Europe, was enacted by the EU Parliament on April 27, 2016, in response to this technological infiltration.

This presentation's goal is to acquaint you with the fundamentally novel ideas in the GDPR. In particular, it will address the Regulation (EU) 2016/679's structure, GDPR's sanctions and penalties, and the Personal Data Protection Authorities' and Involved Entities' roles in GDPR implementation. Three (3) Case Scenarios about "the key GDPR principles applied in post offices" are the final section.

Personal Data Protection: Rules, Policies and the Impact in Postal Sector

The aim of this module is to introduce the learners to the basic concept and the principles of Data protection, and thus value the significance of protection personal data in the postal industry. Many different aspects of personal data will be examined, information about what is considered personal data and what is not under the new GDPR rules will be given, accompanied with examples. Within this context learners will be able to learn the legal meaning of protecting personal data and transferring data in the whole delivery chain of the postal sector, understand the policies of data protection in a European level, and finally be able to understand how the GDPR’s has been shaping the postal communication within the sector. After completion of the course all learners will be able to identify between personal and not personal data and follow all the proper data protection principles.

This unit covers the following topics: 

  • Definition and Concept of Personal Data 

  • Description of Information that constitute Personal Data and information that do not 

  • Categories of Personal Data 

  • Examples of Personal Data with focus on the Post Office environment 

Learning Outcomes 

By the end of this module, the learners will be able to:

  • understand "what is" and "what is not" Personal Data
  • know the Current legal European and National framework compared to the New Structure of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and its innovations.
  • understand how the Personal Data influence the whole delivery chain of postal sector
  • explore the use of personal data through the digital economy and in e-commerce


The assessment methods that will be used include 

Photoshop (Part 1) - Graphic Types & Basic Use

By the end of this course, the learners will be able to know the core sections about image editing programs, graphic design editing programs, types of graphics, shortcuts, and types of files. 


▪Bitmap - Vector
▪Color Space
▪dpi / ppi

▪New/Open File


▪Tabs / Close File
▪Drag (space)

Course creator: Konstantina Laskari

Photoshop (Part 2) - Basic Image Processing & Local Processing

By the end of this course, the learners will be able to know the core sections about image editing programs, graphic design editing programs, types of graphics, shortcuts, and types of files. 


▪Color Correction
▪Hue, Saturation, Brightness
▪Color Balance
▪Magic Wand

Course creator: Konstantina Laskari

Photoshop (Part 3) - Defect correction & Layers

By the end of this course, the learners will be able to know the core sections about image editing, defect correction, healing tools and important shortcuts, while also learning about layers, ultiply, screen, editing, blending modes, layers, and saving process. 


  • Painting
  • Touches
  • Blending Mode
  • Erase
  • Defect Correction
  • Clone Stamp
  • Healing
  • Red Eye Reduction
  • Layers
  • Multiply
  • Screen
  • Editing
  • Flatten image 
  • Erase 

Course creator: Konstantina Laskari

Photoshop (Part 4) - Advanced layers & Typography

By the end of this course, the learners will be able to know about the different fonts, layer styles, editing, adjustment layers, masks and default colors. 


  • Editing
  • Non-destructive processing
  • Flexibility
  • Transparency masks 
  • Clipping masks
  • Font
  • Style
  • Scale
  • Gap (kerning)
  • Spelling
  • Shadow effect
  • Letters - image

Course creator: Konstantina Laskari

Photoshop (Part 5) -Design Tools & Unveiling

By the end of this course, the learners will be able to know about the vector graphics, advanced shapes, basic shaped and important shotcuts, while also learning about the paths and the combination of paths and masks. 


  • Vectors
  • Non-normal layers
  • Shapes
  • Filling - Outline
  • Bank
  • Points
  • Curves
  • Type Layers
  • Curved selection
  • Live mask management

Course creator: Konstantina Laskari

Photoshop (Part 6) - Design Tools & Unveilling

By the end of this course, the learners will be able to know about the vector graphics, advanced shapes, basic shaped and important shotcuts, while also learning about the paths and the combination of paths and masks. 


  • Vectors
  • Non-normal layers
  • Shapes
  • Filling - Outline
  • Bank
  • Points
  • Curves
  • Type Layers
  • Curved selection
  • Live mask management

Privacy and Confidentiality Policies in the Postal Sector

This course is an introduction to the concept and the principles of Data protection, and thus value the significance of protection personal data. 

Many different aspects of personal data will be examined, information about what is considered personal data and what is not under the new GDPR rules will be given, accompanied with examples. Within this context you will be able to learn the legal meaning of protecting personal data and transferring data in the whole delivery chain of the postal sector, understand the policies of data protection in a European level, and finally be able to understand how the GDPR’s has been shaping the postal communication within the sector. After completion of the course all learners will be able to identify between personal and not personal data and follow all the proper data protection principles.

Course creator: Konstantina Laskari

Subject's rights when Processing Personal Data - Personal data protection throughout the whole delivery chain

Each member state "shall provide one or more independent public authorities to be responsible for monitoring the application of the GDPR regulation," as stated in Article 51.

DPAs are independent public agencies that monitor the enforcement of the data protection law via the use of their investigation and remedial powers. They address complaints about violations of the General Data Protection Regulation and the pertinent national laws and offer knowledgeable guidance on data protection concerns.

Course creator: Konstantina Laskari

The Framework for Ensuring Postal Security

The presentation serves as an introduction for learners to grasp the fundamental principles of postal security. It will cover the core components of the postal security system, drawing from the overarching stipulations outlined in the Acts of Universal Postal Union (UPU). Various tasks associated with ensuring postal security will be explained. By the end of the course, participants will have a clearer comprehension of the structure, significance, fundamental constituents, and prerequisites of postal security. Additionally, a selection of case studies derived from the designated operator's operations is included for further reading.

Course creator: Konstantina Laskari

HTML (3o Μάθημα)

Με το τέλος του μαθήματος, οι μαθητές θα είναι σε θέση να γνωρίζουν για την HTML και τα Διαδοχικά Φύλλα Στυλ. 


•HTML Forms
•HTML input
•CSS Layout
•Internal Style Sheet
•External Style Sheet
•Inline style

Course creator: Konstantina Laskari

HTML (2ο Μάθημα)

Με το τέλος αυτού του μαθήματος, οι μαθητές θα είναι σε θέση να γνωρίζουν για τις ετικέτες της HTML, την δημιουργία υπερσυνδέσεων, την εισαγωγή εικόνας και τις εικόνες σαν συνδέσεις, τις λίστες στην HTML, τους πίνακες στη HTML, τις ετικέτες span και div, τους ειδικούς χαρακτήρες στην HTML, την εισαγωγή αρχείου ήχου και βίντεο και τα χρώματα στην HTML. 


•HTML tags
•HTML img
•a href
•HTML Lists
•HTML ul
•HTML ol
•HTML tables
•HTML colors
•HTML span
•HTML div
•HTML audio
•HTML video

Course creator: Konstantina Laskari


Με το τέλος αυτού του μαθήματος, οι μαθητές θα γνωρίζουν βασικές έννοιες και ιστορική αναδρομή του διαδικτύου, το μοντέλο πελάτη εξυπηρετητή, τον παγκόσμιο ιστό, και το HTML. 


•Παγκόσμιος Ιστός
•Μοντέλο Client Server
•HTML tags
•HTML title
•HTML comments

Course creator: Konstantina Laskari


Mε το τέλος αυτού του μαθήματος, οι εκπαιδευόμενοι θα είναι σε θέση να γνωρίζουν την επεξεργασία λογιστικών φύλλων με το Microsoft Excel (πράξεις στα κελιά, οδηγός συναρτήσεων, βασικές συναρτήσεις, απόλυτες αναφορές, σφάλματα τύπων, κυκλική αναφορά, γραφήματα, ταξινόμηση και φιλτράρισμα) και το Microsfot PowerPoint (καρτέλες, δημιουργία παρουσίασης, αποθήκευση παρουσίασης, άνοιγμα παρουσίασης, εισαγωγή νέας διαφάνειας, διαγραφή διαφάνειας), τακτοποίηση και ομαδοποίηση αντικειμένων, εισαγωγή υπερσύνδεσης, κεφαλίδα και υποσέλιδο). 

Λέξεις κλειδιά: 

  • Microsoft Office
  • Microsoft Excel 
  • Microsoft Powerpoint

Course creator: Konstantina Laskari


Με το τέλος αυτού του μαθήματος, οι εκπαιδευόμενοι θα γνωρίζουν για τις βασικές αρχές του Microsoft Word (Καρτέλα στοιχεία Αλληλογραφίας, Καρτέλα Αναθεώρηση, Καρτέλα Προβολή, Βασικές λειτουργίες Word), Επεξεργασία λογιστικών φύλλων με το Microsoft Excel. 


  • Microsoft Office
  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Excel
Course creator: Konstantina Laskari

Επεξεργασία δεδομένων και πληροφοριακά συστήματα, Λογισμικό επεξεργασίας κειμένου (5ο Μάθημα)

Με το τέλος αυτού του μαθήματος, οι εκπαιδευόμενοι θα γνωρίζουν για την επεξεργασία δεδομένων και τύπων δεδομένων, την οργάνωση και προσπέλαση αρχείων, τις βάσεις δεδομένων και τα πληροφοριακά συστήματα, το Microsoft Office και τις βασικές αρχές του Microsoft Word. 


  • τύπος δεδομένων (data type)
  • πρωτεύον κλειδί (primary key)
  • μαζική επεξεργασία  (batch processing)
  • Βάσεις Δεδομένων (databases)
  • ιεραρχική (Hierarchical)
  • δικτυωτή (Network)
  • σχεσιακή (Relational)
  • Πληροφοριακό Σύστημα
  • Microsoft Office
  • Microsoft Word
Course creator: Konstantina Laskari

Εισαγωγή στους υπολογιστές-Λειτουργικά συστήματα & Δίκτυα υπολογιστών (4ο Μάθημα)

Μέχρι το τέλος αυτού του μαθήματος, οι μαθητές θα έχουν μάθει για τα λειτουργικά συστήματα και την σχέση τους με το λογισμικό συστημάτων, τα δίκτυα υπολογιστών, την ταξινόμηση των δικτύων υπολογιστών, τα ενσύρματα και ασύρματα δίκτυα, το λογισμικό επικοινωνιών και τις αρχιτεκτονικές δικτύων, την τοπολογία ενός δικτύου και την ασφάλεια πληροφοριών. 


  • Λειτουργικά Συστήματα (Operating System)
  • Πολυπρογραμματισμός (multiprogramming)
  • multitasking
  • πολυεπεξεργασία (multiprocessing)
  • MS-DOS (MicroSoft-Disk Operating System)
  • Windows
  • UNIX 
  • Mac OS X
  • Linux
  • Δίκτυα υπολογιστών (computer networks)
  • Τοπικά Δίκτυα
  • Μητροπολιτικά Δίκτυα
  • Δίκτυα Ευρείας Περιοχής
  • IP (Internet Protocol)
  • TCP/IP 
  • Παροχέας Υπηρεσιών Internet (ISP - Internet Services Provider) 
  • Τοπολογία Δακτυλίου (ring)
  • Τοπολογία αστέρα (star)
  • Τοπολογία διαύλου ή αρτηρίας( bus)
  • Τοπολογία δέντρου
  • κρυπτογράφηση (encryption)

Course creator: Konstantina Laskari

Εισαγωγή στους υπολογιστές-Αναπαράσταση και κωδικοποίηση πληροφορίας (3ο Μάθημα)

Στο τέλος αυτού του μαθήματος, οι εκπαιδευόμενοι θα είναι σε θέση να μάθουν για την αναπαράσταση δεδομένων στον υπολογιστή (κώδικας ASCII, κώδικας EBCDIC, Unicode), την άλγεβρα του Boole (βασικές πράξεις, πίνακες αληθείας), και τα συστήματα αρίθμησης (δυαδικό, οκταδικό, δεκαδικό, δεκαδεξαδικό, παραδείγματα μετατροπών στα αριθμητικά συστήματα. 


  • Unicode
  • Συστήματα Αρίθμησης
  • Άλγεβρα του Boole

Course creator: Konstantina Laskari

Desenvolvimento de Projetos para a Inclusão Social - Parte 6

Este módulo foi criado no âmbito do projeto TSITour, uma iniciativa financiada através do programa Erasmus+ da Comissão Europeia. O TSITour foi concebido para formar os alunos do ensino e formação profissional na área da inclusão social no turismo através do envolvimento das pessoas idosas como contadores de histórias locais. O módulo está organizado em quatro tópicos principais: 1) A pessoa idosa; 2) A integração dos idosos; 3) Metodologias de intervenção social: trabalho de projeto para a integração dos idosos; 4) Trabalho de projeto social para a integração dos idosos: etapas. No primeiro tema, o módulo foca-se nos fundamentos conceptuais do envelhecimento, os processos de envelhecimento, a comunicação com os idosos e as estratégias para promover um envelhecimento ativo, autónomo e independente. Os conteúdos do segundo tópico são baseados na promoção da integração social e integração comunitária dos idosos. O terceiro tema aborda as metodologias de intervenção social e o trabalho de projeto social como uma estratégia para a valorização dos idosos. A última parte do módulo especifica, passo a passo, como construir um projeto social. Este módulo procura tornar-se numa referência nos cursos de educação e formação profissional e, nesse sentido, foi especificamente concebido para a criação de projetos sociais dedicados à inclusão e valorização dos idosos, sendo, portanto, um recurso útil para os futuros profissionais nesta área.

Desenvolvimento de Projetos para a Inclusão Social - Parte 5

Este módulo foi criado no âmbito do projeto TSITour, uma iniciativa financiada através do programa Erasmus+ da Comissão Europeia. O TSITour foi concebido para formar os alunos do ensino e formação profissional na área da inclusão social no turismo através do envolvimento das pessoas idosas como contadores de histórias locais. O módulo está organizado em quatro tópicos principais: 1) A pessoa idosa; 2) A integração dos idosos; 3) Metodologias de intervenção social: trabalho de projeto para a integração dos idosos; 4) Trabalho de projeto social para a integração dos idosos: etapas. No primeiro tema, o módulo foca-se nos fundamentos conceptuais do envelhecimento, os processos de envelhecimento, a comunicação com os idosos e as estratégias para promover um envelhecimento ativo, autónomo e independente. Os conteúdos do segundo tópico são baseados na promoção da integração social e integração comunitária dos idosos. O terceiro tema aborda as metodologias de intervenção social e o trabalho de projeto social como uma estratégia para a valorização dos idosos. A última parte do módulo especifica, passo a passo, como construir um projeto social. Este módulo procura tornar-se numa referência nos cursos de educação e formação profissional e, nesse sentido, foi especificamente concebido para a criação de projetos sociais dedicados à inclusão e valorização dos idosos, sendo, portanto, um recurso útil para os futuros profissionais nesta área.

Desenvolvimento de Projetos para a Inclusão Social - Parte 4

Este módulo foi criado no âmbito do projeto TSITour, uma iniciativa financiada através do programa Erasmus+ da Comissão Europeia. O TSITour foi concebido para formar os alunos do ensino e formação profissional na área da inclusão social no turismo através do envolvimento das pessoas idosas como contadores de histórias locais. O módulo está organizado em quatro tópicos principais: 1) A pessoa idosa; 2) A integração dos idosos; 3) Metodologias de intervenção social: trabalho de projeto para a integração dos idosos; 4) Trabalho de projeto social para a integração dos idosos: etapas. No primeiro tema, o módulo foca-se nos fundamentos conceptuais do envelhecimento, os processos de envelhecimento, a comunicação com os idosos e as estratégias para promover um envelhecimento ativo, autónomo e independente. Os conteúdos do segundo tópico são baseados na promoção da integração social e integração comunitária dos idosos. O terceiro tema aborda as metodologias de intervenção social e o trabalho de projeto social como uma estratégia para a valorização dos idosos. A última parte do módulo especifica, passo a passo, como construir um projeto social. Este módulo procura tornar-se numa referência nos cursos de educação e formação profissional e, nesse sentido, foi especificamente concebido para a criação de projetos sociais dedicados à inclusão e valorização dos idosos, sendo, portanto, um recurso útil para os futuros profissionais nesta área.

Desenvolvimento de Projetos para a Inclusão Social - Parte 3

Este módulo foi criado no âmbito do projeto TSITour, uma iniciativa financiada através do programa Erasmus+ da Comissão Europeia. O TSITour foi concebido para formar os alunos do ensino e formação profissional na área da inclusão social no turismo através do envolvimento das pessoas idosas como contadores de histórias locais. O módulo está organizado em quatro tópicos principais: 1) A pessoa idosa; 2) A integração dos idosos; 3) Metodologias de intervenção social: trabalho de projeto para a integração dos idosos; 4) Trabalho de projeto social para a integração dos idosos: etapas. No primeiro tema, o módulo foca-se nos fundamentos conceptuais do envelhecimento, os processos de envelhecimento, a comunicação com os idosos e as estratégias para promover um envelhecimento ativo, autónomo e independente. Os conteúdos do segundo tópico são baseados na promoção da integração social e integração comunitária dos idosos. O terceiro tema aborda as metodologias de intervenção social e o trabalho de projeto social como uma estratégia para a valorização dos idosos. A última parte do módulo especifica, passo a passo, como construir um projeto social. Este módulo procura tornar-se numa referência nos cursos de educação e formação profissional e, nesse sentido, foi especificamente concebido para a criação de projetos sociais dedicados à inclusão e valorização dos idosos, sendo, portanto, um recurso útil para os futuros profissionais nesta área.

Desenvolvimento de Projetos para a Inclusão Social - Parte 2

Este módulo foi criado no âmbito do projeto TSITour, uma iniciativa financiada através do programa Erasmus+ da Comissão Europeia. O TSITour foi concebido para formar os alunos do ensino e formação profissional na área da inclusão social no turismo através do envolvimento das pessoas idosas como contadores de histórias locais. O módulo está organizado em quatro tópicos principais: 1) A pessoa idosa; 2) A integração dos idosos; 3) Metodologias de intervenção social: trabalho de projeto para a integração dos idosos; 4) Trabalho de projeto social para a integração dos idosos: etapas. No primeiro tema, o módulo foca-se nos fundamentos conceptuais do envelhecimento, os processos de envelhecimento, a comunicação com os idosos e as estratégias para promover um envelhecimento ativo, autónomo e independente. Os conteúdos do segundo tópico são baseados na promoção da integração social e integração comunitária dos idosos. O terceiro tema aborda as metodologias de intervenção social e o trabalho de projeto social como uma estratégia para a valorização dos idosos. A última parte do módulo especifica, passo a passo, como construir um projeto social. Este módulo procura tornar-se numa referência nos cursos de educação e formação profissional e, nesse sentido, foi especificamente concebido para a criação de projetos sociais dedicados à inclusão e valorização dos idosos, sendo, portanto, um recurso útil para os futuros profissionais nesta área.

Desenvolvimento de Projetos para a Inclusão Social - Parte 1

Este módulo foi criado no âmbito do projeto TSITour, uma iniciativa financiada através do programa Erasmus+ da Comissão Europeia. O TSITour foi concebido para formar os alunos do ensino e formação profissional na área da inclusão social no turismo através do envolvimento das pessoas idosas como contadores de histórias locais. O módulo está organizado em quatro tópicos principais: 1) A pessoa idosa; 2) A integração dos idosos; 3) Metodologias de intervenção social: trabalho de projeto para a integração dos idosos; 4) Trabalho de projeto social para a integração dos idosos: etapas. No primeiro tema, o módulo foca-se nos fundamentos conceptuais do envelhecimento, os processos de envelhecimento, a comunicação com os idosos e as estratégias para promover um envelhecimento ativo, autónomo e independente. Os conteúdos do segundo tópico são baseados na promoção da integração social e integração comunitária dos idosos. O terceiro tema aborda as metodologias de intervenção social e o trabalho de projeto social como uma estratégia para a valorização dos idosos. A última parte do módulo especifica, passo a passo, como construir um projeto social. Este módulo procura tornar-se numa referência nos cursos de educação e formação profissional e, nesse sentido, foi especificamente concebido para a criação de projetos sociais dedicados à inclusão e valorização dos idosos, sendo, portanto, um recurso útil para os futuros profissionais nesta área.

Creativity - Thinking outside the box

  • Aim - to be aware of how important “Thinking outside the box” and creativity is.

  • Objective 1. - The need of creativity. Where we use it?

  • Objective 2. - Description of ”Thinking outside the box”.

  •  What is thinking outside the box, what is creativity?

  • Objective 3.- How to develop your “Thinking outside the box” potential?

Contents - Definition of creativity and expression ”Thinking outside the box”, creative thinking, factors for thinking outside the box, test for creativity, stages of thinking outside the box.

Gastronomic Tourism

This topic serves as an introductory module that delves into the captivating world of gastronomic tourism. Participants will embark on a journey exploring the significance of cuisine in shaping the tourism experience and discover the economic and cultural impact of gastronomic tourism. Through engaging discussions, real-world examples, and case studies, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of this rapidly growing industry.


To familiarize participants with the concept of gastronomic tourism and its relevance in the travel industry.

To highlight the economic and cultural significance of gastronomic tourism for destinations and local communities.

To explore current trends and developments in the gastronomic tourism sector.

Learning Outcomes:

Define gastronomic tourism and explain its importance in the context of travel and tourism.

Analyze the economic and cultural impact of gastronomic tourism on destinations and local communities.

Identify and discuss key trends and emerging developments in the gastronomic tourism industry.

Appreciate the potential of gastronomic tourism as a driver for sustainable tourism development.

Top 10 Skills: Complex Problem Solving

  • Aim: Look at how you start to solve a complex problem

  • Objectives 

    • Understanding complexity

    • Identify a problem/problems

    • What is causing the problem/s? 

  • Content 

    • Understand what complexity means, not a simple answer and one that needs analysing through a process. 

    • Identifying the nature of the problem; defining the problem

    • fact-finding methods and to developing a clear picture.


В  курса "Умение за овластяване и мотивиране  в социалната работа" ще развиете умения и компетенции за овластяване и мотивиране на клиенти и колеги.

Този модул ще ви научи как да накарате човека пред вас да разпознае всички свои силни страни. Ще се научите как да подхождате към клиентите с уважение и разбиране за подкрепата, от която се нуждаят, за да осъществят промяна в живота си чрез позитивна намеса.

Ще придобиете разбиране за значението на индивидуалното, семейното и общностното ниво, като се научите как да свързвате потребителите с ресурсите, от които се нуждаят, за да се овластят на всички нива.


След завършване на този курс ще разберете значението на уменията за овластяване и мотивиране в ежедневната работа на социалния работник.

- Ще имате възможност да подобрите възможностите и увереността на потребителя.

- Ще научите как да насърчавате положителните промени в условията на живот на потребителите.

- Ще се научите как да насърчавате индивидите и групите да придобият самостоятелност при вземането на решения и контрол върху живота си въз основа на свободен достъп до информация.



Как ефективно да реализирам бизнеса си в културния и творчески сектор

Развиването на вашите предприемачески умения ви помага да стартирате или управлявате успешно своя бизнес в културния и творчески сектор (КТС). Придобиването на тази компетентност подобрява възможностите ви да развивате иновативни и творчески идеи в бизнеса си, като представяте на пазара нови и иновативни продукти или услуги, и също така да оценявате проблемите и рисковете, които трябва да преодолеете, особено предвид текущата ситуация с пандемията COVID-19. Като увеличите способностите си да започнете нов бизнес в КТС сферата, ще подобрите професионалния си живот, станете активни граждани и справяте се с социално-икономическите предизвикателства, пред които светът се изправя по време на пандемията.


Управление на работата в мултикултурна среда – работа с група индивиди в културно разнообразна среда, целта на която е да гарантира ефективното функциониране и развитие на всички нейни членове [Вж. Jacob 2003; Rozkwitalska 2009; Kozminski 1999]. 

Работата в мултикултурна среда е пряко свързана с преподаването и насърчаването на междукултурна чувствителност (осъзнаване на различията, съществуващи между културите) и използването на методи и техники, които позволяват да се развие потенциалът на всички членове на групата.

Обучителни цели

След приключване на работата по настоящия курс, участниците ще обогатят знанията си относно:

•          какъв е хода на развитие на процеса на акултурация (връзките между две или повече различни култури. Вследствие на продължителен контакт между техни представители /индивиди или групи/ се получават изменения в културния модел на едната или двете групи.);

•          разнообразието от характеристики на националните култури и тяхното влияние върху поведението на учениците;

•          механизмите за формиране на стереотипи и какво е тяхното влияние върху възприятието ни за околните;

•          методи и техники за управление на работата в мултикултурна среда.


Участниците ще придобият компетенции за:

•          идентифициране на предизвикателствата в процеса на управление на работата в мултикултурна среда;

•          повишаване на осведомеността на учениците относно създаването на стереотипи и тяхното влияние върху възприятията за околните;

•          разпознаване на фазите на процеса на акултурация;

•          подбор на подходящи методи и техники за работа с ученици от различни култури.

Кариерно консултиране в училище

Настоящият курс е насочен към преподаватели, учители, ментори, младежки и социални работници, или друг вид педагогически или непедагогически персонал. Целта на методите в курса е да бъдат прилагани в ежедневната работа с ученици. Основната цел на този алтернативен инструмент е да даде възможност на преподавателите да повишат познанията и подобрят уменията си в сферата на професионалното ориентиране и кариерно консултиране. Курсът за кариерно ориентиране в училище се фокусира върху основните принципи и професионални изисквания в тази област. Целта на курса е да даде възможност на преподавателите да повишат познанията и подобрят уменията си в сферата на професионалното кариерно консултиране.  Вместо традиционните, прекалено унифицирани и разпръснати техники курсът съчетава доказали ефективността си методи и инструменти за кариерно консултиране.

В настоящият курс се предлагат техники за кариерно консултиране, насочени към три възрастови групи ученици (12-14, 14-16 и 16-18 години). Тези методи могат да се прилагат както от учители и педагози, независимо от предмета, който преподават, така и от обучители в неформалното образование


Курсът цели да осигури на обучителите, работещи с деца е неравностойно положение специализирана подкрепа чрез интегрирани методи за обучение, фокусиращи се върху учене, коучинг и психосоциални дейности. Чрез този курс обучителите ще могат да осигурят обучителна среда, в която децата в неравностойно положение ще могат да открият и развият своите интереси и да изградят своите социални умения. Това ще понижи нивото на отпадането на ученици от училище и ще помогне да се избегне риска от образователна и социална изолация.

 Основна цел на курса е преподавателите да развият лични, социални, методически и технически умения, които ще им помогнат да преподават, уповаващи се на образователните нужди на учениците си. А от друга страна преподавателите  ще могат да подкрепят учениците да идентифицират своите житейски цели и да намерят мотивация да продължат образованието си. Освен развитието на личностни и социални умения, учениците ще придобият осведоменост в сфери като здравословен начин на живот, безопасно поведение и осъзнаване на рискове.

Ефективна комуникация между родители и учители в училище


Участниците ще се запознаят с методите и инструментите за ефективна комуникация между родителите и учителите в училище в контекста на изграждането на партньорски взаимоотношения, основани на взаимното разбиране и приемане , в полза на постигане на педагогическите цели.

Комуникация в социалната работа

В курса "Комуникация в социалната работа" ще придобиете умения и компетентности относно същността и произхода на комуникацията, за да разбирате различните видове комуникация и да придобиете знания за осигуряване на ефективна комуникация с колеги и клиенти. Ще придобиете знания за комуникационните умения и ключовите моменти за ефективна комуникация, които са от основно значение за практиката на социалната работа. С придобиването на основните знания и умения в областта на социалната работа ще можете да предоставяте по-добри услуги и информация, като прилагате ефективна комуникация в ежедневната си работа. Следователно работата ви ще продължи да бъде от полза за клиентите с различни изисквания, както и за вашия личен и професионален живот.



Изграждане на междуличностни умения

В този модул, посветен на междуличностните отношения, ще научите повече за уменията, които човек използва в ежедневието си, когато се среща, общува и взаимодейства с други хора. Ще придобиете практически умения и компетенции за ефективно слушане и говорене, емоционална интелигентност, работа в екип, решаване на проблеми и вземане на решения.

Като развиете тези умения, ще изградите по-добри взаимоотношения с близките си приятели, познати, колеги и много други хора, които съставляват социалните връзки в живота, тъй като се срещате, общувате и взаимодействате с тях. Ще създадете един вид социална връзка и принадлежност. Същевременно ще можете да разрешавате междуличностни конфликти и да поставяте граници, което е важно за подобряване и поддържане на междуличностните отношения.

Ефективност и организационни умения

В този курс за ефективност и организационни умения ще научите повече за ефективността на работното място и общата ефективност, както и как да пестите енергия, усилия, пари и време. Ще придобиете уменията и знанията, необходими за постигане на резултати и оптимизиране на всички процеси чрез максимално използване на наличните ресурси.

Ще научите също как да определяте приоритетите на различните задачи и да използвате ефективно и ефикасно времето, енергията, силата, умствения капацитет, физическото пространство и т.н. за постигане на желания резултат. Освен това ще придобиете знания и умения за управление на времето, делегиране, стратегическо планиране, работа под напрежение, поставяне на цели и критично мислене.

Когато развиете тези умения, ще се окажете отворени за учене и обучение през целия живот, ще използвате ефективно времето и ресурсите си за изпълнение на задачите, ще си сътрудничите ефективно с колегите си и ще изпитвате удоволствие да предоставяте качествени продукти и/или услуги навреме. Благодарение на развиването на тези качества другите (вашият ръководител, колегите ви) ще имат доверие в способността ви да изпълнявате задачите и ще ви е лесно да общувате и взаимодействате с тях.

Емпатия в социалната работа

В курса за емпатия ще придобиете умения и компетенции, свързани с проявата на емпатия при взаимодействие с клиенти и колеги. Ще усвоите умения и методи, които ще ви позволят да демонстрирате четирите характеристики на емпатията: да виждате света така, както го виждат вашите клиенти и колеги; да поддържате неосъждащо отношение; да разпознавате чувствата на клиентите и колегите; и ефективно да предавате гледната си точка с доброта и състрадание. Като развиете тези умения, ще установите по-здрави взаимоотношения с клиентите и колегите си, основани на взаимно доверие и признателност. В резултат на това както вие, така и вашите колеги ще бъдете по-доволни от взаимоотношенията и начина, по който работите заедно, което ще увеличи удовлетворението ви от работата.

Социално предприемачество

Какво представлява социалното предприемачество. Каква е ролята на социалния предприемач в икономиката и обществото. Какви знания и  умения е необходимо да притежава, за да бъде успешен и да има действителен принос в решаването на наболели социални проблеми. Какви са формите на социални предприятия и начините на финансирането им. Настоящият курс ще отговори на всички тези въпроси. Той е предназначен за лица и организации, които искат да идентифицират и да доведат до трансформираща обществена промяна.

Рефлексия в процеса на обучение

Рефлексията е жизненоважен и съществен компонент на обучението. Тя е двустранен процес, полезен както за преподавателя, така и за учениците, за да  повишават собствените си знания и способности. Настоящият курс има за цел да даде необходимите познания относно теоретичната основа на рефлексията и съществуващите модели на рефлексия, както и да предостави система от практики и  инструменти за прилагането й - самостоятелно и в група.

Подкрепа за приобщаващо образование за ученици с увреждания

Участниците ще развият своите знания, умения и положителни нагласи по отношение на приобщаването и човешките права, особено за децата с увреждания.

 Курсът е полезен както за родители или членове на семействата на хора с увреждания (ХУ), така и за учители, работещи с ХУ - било то техни ученици или родители на техните ученици.

 Курсът се базира на материалите, разработени в рамките на проекта "Родители заедно" (PARENTING TOGETHER). За допълнителна информация посетете уебсайта на проекта: https://course.parentingtogether.eu/


Курсът за обучение на образователни медиатори ще даде възможност на обучаемите да придобият професионални знания, умения и компетенции за създаване и поддържане на спокойна и толерантна образователна среда за всички ангажирани чрез използването на инструменти за образователна медиация. След като придобият тези специфични знания и умения, обучаемите ще могат активно да участват като образователни медиатори в процедури по медиация между страните в образователни конфликти, а именно: ученик-ученик, учител-ученик, родител-ученик, учител-учител-училищно ръководство, родител-родител и местни общности-образователна среда. Обучителния курс ще спомогне за формирането на така наречените меки умения сред участващите участници в образователния процес, като умения за работа в екип, лидерство, позитивна комуникация, емоционална сдържаност и самоконтрол, развитие на специфична езикова култура, толерантност и др.


"Медиацията, която може да се използва в различни контексти, е процес, при който хората, участващи в спор, доброволно сключват споразумение за съвместно разрешаване на проблема" (Baginsky, 2004). Неутралният медиатор дава възможност на участниците да идентифицират проблемите, като говорят за

ситуацията от собствената си гледна точка, да бъдат изслушани от другия(те) участник(ци) и да кажат какъв би бил предпочитаният от тях резултат. Важно е да се знае, че медиаторът не дава съвети и не налага решение; отговорността и контролът са на участниците.

Програмите за медиация между връстници основават силата си на важността на групата, която е особено актуална през тийнейджърските години, когато семейната мрежа за подкрепа губи значение. За тези програми е характерно да:

▪ са изградени въз основа на ресурсите, които връстниците могат да предложат, създават възможности за активна роля като отговорни членове на техните центрове, като помагат на другите (Cowie, et al., 2008a; Sellman, 2011).

▪ могат да приемат различни възможности - от предлагане на приятелство на онези връстници, които може да изглеждат самотни по време на междучасието, какъвто обикновено е форматът в началното образование, до различни възможности за подкрепа в средното образование, като например групи, които се събират по време на обяд, предлагане на помощ при изпълнение на училищните задачи или действие като медиатор при конфликти (Cowie, Hutson, Oztug y Myers, 2008b).Програмите за разрешаване на конфликти и медиация между връстници са от полза както за учениците като личности, така и за училищата като институции. Твърди се, че те подобряват самочувствието и заимоотношенията на учениците, дават на учениците по-голямо чувство за отговорност, намаляват конфликтите, насърчават академичните постижения, развиват умения за живот, позволяват на учителите да се съсредоточат върху преподаването и създават среда, в която учениците могат да учат и да общуват безопасно и конструктивно (Kelsi, n.d.)

Целта на този курс е да обучи участниците в медиация между връстници, като включи подходи, умения, методи за обучение на учениците в комуникация и умения на медиатори, за да им помогне да участват ефективно в предотвратяването и разрешаването на проблеми в училище, у дома и извън дома.

Етика в социалната работа

Този курс ще обогати знанията и компетенциите ви за ценностите, принципите и стандартите, за да осигурите на клиентите си услуги, основани на ценности. Новопридобитите знания ще ви гарантират, че като социален работник ще можете да помагате на хората в неравностойно положение, маргинализираните и хората с увреждания да разгърнат пълния си потенциал.

В курса "Етика в социалната работа" ще бъдат представени методи и стратегии за установяване на последователни ценности, принципи и стандарти на поведение за всички професионалисти, работещи в областта на социалната работа.    Обучаемите ще придобият знания за значението на професионалната грижа за себе си за осигуряване на ефективна помощ на своите клиенти. 


In the Negotiation course, you will develop the skills and competencies necessary to articulate your requirements and inquire about their fulfillment. You will acquire skills and methods that will enable you to present what you want without appearing aggressive or inappropriate. For instance, you will grasp how to give and take with another negotiating party in order to find a solution that satisfies both parties. You will also learn how to advance further in negotiations by adopting a growth mindset that seeks to 'expand the pie' and maximize the benefits for all parties, rather than splitting the difference between them, which typically results in one party prevailing. As you develop these skills, you will establish more trusting and mutually beneficial relationships with your clients and coworkers.

After completing this course:

• You will comprehend what negotiation skills entail and their significance in the daily work of a social worker after concluding this module.

• You will be able to manage your own interests and expectations and convey them to clients and coworkers.

• You will be able to establish your self-respect and convey your need for others to respect you without resorting to force.

• You will learn how to approach negotiations with a growth mindset.

• You will be able to protect your own interests while keeping others content during negotiations.

• You will feel more at ease engaging in challenging negotiations, even if initial responses are negative.

STRESS AND BURNOUT RESILIENCE(In the social professions)

In the course Stress and burnout resilience, you will gain knowledge about stress, stressors, and occupational burnout, as well as practical advice on how to manage stress and prevent occupational burnout.

By acquiring stress management skills, i.e. transitioning from automatic responses to strategic stress management, it is possible to enhance the adequacy of responses in stressful situations and the capacity to alleviate tension. The ability to manage stress and prevent professional burnout can substantially enhance workplace performance.



This course examines concepts of culture that capture its highly nuanced, multi-dimensional and dynamic nature. Three recent approaches will be presented which are particularly meaningful because they focus on the multi-dimensional nature of culture. It will start with an early definition of culture, explore where the concept of culture comes from, and then introduce the three recent approaches in more detail.

The course will also reveal the iceberg model, the onion model and the cultural dimensions which are essential in any Intercultural course. These models try to explain the differences and similarities when comparing various cultures. Diversity of culture can be easily explained by the fact that we are all dealing with the same challenges: how to find food and shelter, how to structure our society, etc. The solutions that a specific group of people might apply will differ from group to group.

These models also increase our sensitivity of cultural values and demonstrate that not everyone has the same values.

 By the end of this module, you will have learned about:

·         culture as complex social construct

·         the definition of “world culture” of Hannerz, and his thoughts on how local and global cultures are connected

·         the “fuzzy culture” approach of Bolten, and his concept of intercultural competence

·         the UNESCO focus on culture as creative diversity, and its concept of “culture identity”

•          how to appreciate cultural diversity,

•          to be able to compare and contrast various cultures,

•          to understand your own cultural background,

•          to evaluate how useful the application of “cultural dimensions” is to your relationship with

Ethics and Professionalism

The Ethics and Professionalism module contains several parts. The first part explains what professional ethics is and how it is applied in the sphere of education. The following part presents the basic theory on which ethics develops in different directions, one of which is the professional ethics, in our case professional ethics in the field of education. After passing such an educational module all trainees will be able to participate in the creation of the Code of ethics at the workplace, will understand the specifics of working with groups of learners with different needs and culture, will be able to participate in the creation of internal rules, working rules, will get aware of the normative and regulatory framework which sets out the basic work principles and professionalism.

The working topics:


·         professional ethics

·         standards in teaching

·         understanding responsibilities

·         managing the instructional environment

·         advising and councelling

·         appropriate relationships with students

·         fair evaluation of student performance

·         giving information

·         privacy rights

The main objective of the training course Ethics and Professionalism is to present knowledge in the field of ethical standards, patterns of behavior and ethics of social activities; skills for ethical reasoning in choosing solutions to deal with moral problems in different professional contexts; communicative skills for working with groups with different ethnical, social and educational background, working in a multicultural environment.

The  specific objectives could be clasified as:

o          identify standards of professionalism and ethical behavior and apply these standards successfully to ethical dilemmas

o          take steps to identify responsibilities and those of the instructor of record

o          create an instructional environment that is conducive to student learning and safety

o          establish professionally appropriate relationships with students

o          take steps to ensure that student performance is evaluated fairly

o          protect the privacy rights of students regarding grades and other personal information

o          identify who has the right to know the information concerning students



If you have chosen this course, it means that you have taken the most essential step towards the topic - realizing how important teamwork is in all spheres of our modern life. In this course, we will explore the fundamental principles and practices necessary to foster effective teamwork . Whether you are a team leader or a team member, this course will equip you with the essential skills and knowledge  and give you practical insights and strategies to improve your ability to work effectively as part of a team.


Emotional Intelligence in Preschool Years

Emotional intelligence is the capacity to comprehend and effectively manage one's emotions. This course explores various emotional intelligence models. We investigate the factors that influence emotional intelligence and empathy, as well as the significance of peer relationships for early childhood development. You will learn how to foster emotional intelligence and healthy friendships in young children.

Creative thinking

Thinking is a process during which new knowledge is formed. It is an interaction of the individual with the material world, the world of human experience (own or the others) and the world of ideas, symbols and values. Thinking starts from a state of non-understanding or bewilderment and ends with an explanation note about procedures or facts. When we use Creative Thinking tools they enable us to escape the barriers of how we usually think about a problem and solve it, they allow us to generate lots of ideas and help us to get ready to take effective action.

This module and its accompanying activities are designed to develop Creative Thinking as a skill and to help you to apply it in the daily running of your business and for your personal development. The suggested activities will enable you to think creatively when you want to solve a problem, need to overcome challenges or when you want to develop something innovative.

In essence this module will act as a framework to support you in facing and overcoming your challenges in the process of turning them into opportunities.

Learning objectives and results:

•      To stimulate new ways of thinking within the business so as to create a constant stream of fresh and original ideas

•      To use the theoretical and practical materials of creative thinking to generate, evaluate and select new ideas

Critical Thinking

The Critical Thinking course is designed to enhance and develop your analytical and reasoning abilities by providing you with a comprehensive set of skills and techniques necessary for effective problem-solving and decision-making. 

Cambridge University’s psychology department published a study in 2020 about developing Critical Thinking skills. The authors pointed out that a person trained to think critically makes better decisions.

    “92% of business leaders believe that the most significant skill a person needs to have in order to be successful both at work and academically is Critical Thinking.” (Educational Testing Service,2013)

Developing Critical Thinking provides us with the resources to correctly assess the information we receive and successfully present an argument. It’s also a sort of antidote to the prejudices and cognitive biases that can prevent us from developing our full mental and social potential as humans. With Critical Thinking, we become proactive agents rather than passive spectators in our daily lives. We develop specific techniques that allow us to deal effectively with difficult problems, situations or choices.

    “Critical Thinking prevents individuals from being susceptible to manipulation. Moreover, critical thinking allows people to solve problems more creatively, independently, and effectively.” (Stenberg & Halpern, 2020)

Financial management for startups

The Financial Management for Startups course is designed to provide entrepreneurs and startup teams with a basic understanding of financial management principles and practices specifically relevant to the startups.  Participants will learn how to effectively manage finances, make informed financial decisions, and develop strategies to ensure the financial health and growth of their startups.


Conflict can be defined as an expressed struggle between interdependent parties who perceive incompatible goals, scarce resources, and interference.

Many people feel uncomfortable or apprehensive at the mere notion of conflict, preferring to avoid it. It is important to understand that disagreement is a natural, healthy, and even necessary part of every relationship. Conflict is a manifestation of our own desires, and when both parties' needs are understood, it may help the relationship develop and strengthen.

This course aims to teach the learners about the basic aspects of the conflict, causes of conflict, types of conflict

basic approaches to conflict and ways to resolve the conflict through alternative methods.

This course help you with:

Understand and contrast the conflict at all levels (individual, group, organizational).

Recognizе the conflict management process (stop and think; redirect the conflict; investigate; find solutions) and its styles (avoiding, collaborating, compromising, accommodating, competing).

Select the best conflict resolution skills (empathy, mediation, assertiveness, active listening, facilitation, etc.).

Through the use of mediation tools, learners will be able to gain professional knowledge, abilities, and competencies in order to build and maintain a peaceful and tolerant environment for all involved.

After completing this course, learners will be able to:

·         Understand and define the concept of “Conflict”

·         Identify different causes of conflict

·         Identify different stages of conflict

·         Use different approaches to manage conflict.

Problem solving

Welcome to the Problem Solving Course! In this course, we will explore the art and science of problem solving and equip you with valuable skills to tackle challenges effectively. Whether you're a  teacher, a student, a professional, or simply someone who wants to enhance your problem-solving abilities, this course will provide you with practical techniques and strategies to approach problems with confidence.

The current school situation places teachers in front of complexity that requires to act quickly and precisely, despite the uncertainty, to learn to recognize problems and to find means that can be used to deal with them.


TEDxLafayette https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCFg9bcW7Bk )


It becomes important to develop one's ability to carry out an objective analysis of the information available and develop one's own critical thinking and awareness. This kind of attitude helps in becoming active, dynamic, able to reflect and responsible. It also helps to set oneself openly towards others by taking an interest in their points of view.

 Teachers are increasingly becoming facilitators of the learning process. From this point of view, it becomes essential to find tools and new educational methods, and especially to develop personal skills such as problem solving and critical thinking, to help students become the subjects of learning

Systems thinking for kids

The "Introduction to Systems Thinking for Kids" course is a dynamic and interactive program designed to introduce children aged 3 to 5 to the fundamental concept of systems thinking. Over the course of 12 hours, children will embark on a journey of discovery, exploring how various systems function and how different components within those systems are interconnected. Through hands-on activities, engaging discussions, and group projects, children will develop critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and creative thinking.


The course aims to foster a sense of wonder and curiosity as children observe and investigate both natural and human-made systems in their daily lives. They will learn to identify systems in their environment, understand their purpose, and appreciate the relationships and dependencies between system components. By actively participating in designing and building their own systems, children will have the opportunity to apply their newfound knowledge and showcase their creations to their peers.


By the end of the course, children will have a solid foundation in systems thinking, enabling them to approach challenges and explore the world around them with a holistic perspective. They will develop a deeper understanding of how everything is interconnected, nurturing their ability to analyze, solve problems, and work collaboratively.

Systems thinking

In this course, we will explore the  field of systems thinking and we will delve into the fundamental concepts of systems thinking and how it can be applied to analyze and tackle complex challenges in diverse areas. Systems thinking provides a unique perspective for understanding complex problems,  identifying patterns, and finding effective solutions. This course will equip you with valuable knowledge and skills to approach problems holistically.

Many of today's complex challenges cannot be overcome with the narrowly focused and disconnected thinking of the past. Managers must make decisions and take action in a complex environment where finance, economics, markets, people and nature are interconnected and interdependent. Systems thinking focuses on the relationships between the elements of the system and the interaction of the system with the environment, as opposed to focusing on the elements themselves. It is holistic (integrative) thinking rather than analytical (disaggregative) thinking. This course introduces the world of systems and systems thinking. We will explore the benefits of this approach and learn the tools managers can use to leverage the nature of systems, even in complex and unpredictable environments, to influence outcomes in a more profound way than can be achieved with "linear" or "mechanistic" thinking.


Time management

Time is a finite resource, and managing it effectively is crucial for personal and professional success. In this course, you will learn the essential skills and strategies to help you manage your time more efficiently and productively. Through a combination of lectures, interactive exercises, and real-life case studies, you will gain a deeper understanding of the principles of time management and how to apply them in your daily life. Course objectives:Understand the importance of time management;Identify time-wasting habits and behaviors;Develop effective planning and prioritization strategies;Learn how to delegate tasks and manage distractions;Develop mindfulness and stress-management techniques;Improve your productivity and achieve your goals.

CMC - Comunicazione mediata da computer

Questo corso ha l’obiettivo di fornire una panoramica sulla comunicazione mediata dal computer - CMC - fornendo alcuni spunti interessanti per capirne le dinamiche e le differenze nel processo d'interazione.
L’argomento è stato sviluppato in piccoli capitoli, ognuno dei quali tratterà singoli argomenti per facilitare l’organizzazione del tempo di studio. 

Course creator: Emiliano Mungiovino

Il Conversational Marketing - Customer Care, CRM e Display ADV

Questo corso ha l’obiettivo di fornire una panoramica sul fenomeno mondiale del marketing conversazionale applicato ai social media, alle app e alle landing pages, prendendo in esame alcuni esempi pratici si parlerà delle sue funzionalità  per mostrare come possa essere usato per la migliorare la Customer Care, il CRM e la Display ADV.

L'argomento è stato sviluppato in piccoli capitoli, ognuno dei quali tratterà singoli argomenti per facilitare l'organizzazione del tempo di studio. 

Course creator: Emiliano Mungiovino

Il piano editoriale social

Questo corso ha l'obiettivo di fornire una panoramica sul piano editoriale e il suo utilizzo prendendo in esame alcuni esempi pratici.
L'argomento è stato sviluppato in piccoli capitoli, ognuno dei quali tratterà singoli argomenti per facilitare l'organizzazione del tempo di studio. 

Course creator: Emiliano Mungiovino

Psicologia dei colori

Questo corso ha l’obiettivo di fornire una panoramica sui principali significati e utilizzi del colore nella comunicazione e nel mondo del Marketing.
L’argomento è stato sviluppato in piccoli capitoli, ognuno dei quali tratterà singoli argomenti per facilitare l’organizzazione del tempo di studio. 

Course creator: Emiliano Mungiovino

WEBLOG Essere in rete con pochi click e comunicare liberamente

Questo corso ha l’obiettivo di fornire una panoramica sul fenomeno mondiale dei blog e sul loro sviluppo - dalla nascita fino ai giorni nostri, prendendo in esame alcuni esempi pratici.
L’argomento è stato sviluppato in piccoli capitoli, ognuno dei quali tratterà singoli argomenti per facilitare l’organizzazione del tempo di studio. 

Course creator: Emiliano Mungiovino

Dal Digital Storytelling al Digital Storymaking

Questo corso ha l’obiettivo di fornire una panoramiche dell'evoluzione che ha visto la comunicazione passare dal Digital Storytelling al Digital Storymaking. Analizzandone le caratteristiche principali si cercherà di comprenderne le potenzialità dal punto di vista comunicazionale e, prendendo in esame alcuni esempi pratici di aziende, si cercherà di spiegare come possa essere usato per migliorare la comunicazione.

L'argomento è stato sviluppato in piccoli capitoli, ognuno dei quali tratterà singoli argomenti per facilitare l'organizzazione del tempo di studio. 

Course creator: Emiliano Mungiovino

Soft Skills

This course will improve trainee’s  self-management, self-employability and entrepreneurship skills by teaching you how to manage your own development and take ownership of your career choices. You will learn about relevant topics within management and  learn how to apply these topics to your present and future professional situation. Project management, team work, professional development, intercultural competences, are some examples of the course topics.

Soft Skills on Entrepreneurship in renewable energy sector

Generally, when hiring new staff, employers place a high degree of importance on so-called ‘soft skills.’  Effective communication, a positive attitude and teamwork skills ranked as important or very important to employers. Even more interesting: for many employers, entrepreneurship experience is either important or very important in the hiring process.

Having an entrepreneurial mindset is considered a key skill in the labour market and so, innovative thinking, a good sense of personal accountability and a sale approach are considered as very important competences.

Moreover, plumbers or electricians working in Europe may also work as a freelancer or ‘independent suppliers of services’ so managing their own business. This is why having an entrepreneurial mindset and managing entrepreneurial skills becomes crucial when working in this sector.

What does entrepreneurship mean? What does entrepreneurial mindset mean? Let’s find it out.

Biomass as a heating source

Biomass heating systems generate heat from biomass. The systems may use direct combustion, gasification, combined heat and power (CHP), anaerobic digestion or aerobic digestion to produce heat. Biomass heating may be fully automated or semi-automated they may be pellet-fired, or they may be combined heat and power systems. In this course we will have an extensive overview of biomass heating systems and their application.

Green skills for Plumbers

You are a young VET plumber graduate, about to graduate or currently training in this field. You are passionate about renewable energies, would like to deepen your knowledge in this field and at the same time geographically broaden the scope of possible workplaces to practice your trades? This course is definitely for you!

Via this course you will be able to update and focus your skills on renewable energies, more specifically on the solar and biomass fields. You will get acquainted with the overall European energy strategy and its implementation in 5 European countries, namely Austria, Denmark, Greece, Italy and Spain.

This course is a combination of both theoretical and practical knowledge, the aim is for you to acquire hands-on skills to perform adequately in building and construction. All activities are designed for you to be active in the learning process, making some research, reflecting upon the different topics and analyzing processes and methods. This course does not require a tutor, you will be able to perform the different activities in complete autonomy.

Preparation for a Visit to a Remembrance Site

Issues of remembrance can be sensitive and therefore preparation when dealing with this topic is vital. Students should be prepared both emotionally and content-wise, especially for a visit to an authentic memorial site. 

For the teacher and site educator, it is important to adapt the content and teaching style to the group they are supervising so they can provide a suitable learning experience. Effective preparation involves having knowledge of the age of the group,  students’ first language, their background (family, cultural and social) and their level of knowledge of the historical context. For a meaningful learning experience, teachers and educators should also think about how the visit fits into the unit of study.

Prejudices and stereotypes, in history and in everyday life

This online course will help teachers recognize prejudices and stereotypes, understand the link with antisemitism and racism and deconstruct them, through an analysis of historical examples.

Addressing Propaganda Today

This course allows educators to explore the subject of propaganda by interpretation and analysis. We will examine and discuss various examples of (contemporary) propaganda and learn to recognize propaganda techniques. This way, the module will offer tools and skills to teach propaganda in the classroom. 

Dealing with Hate Speech

At a personal level, freedom of expression is key to the development, dignity and fulfilment of every person. In recent times, major attention has been directed to episodes when this freedom is abused to impart opinions or ideas of detestation and discriminatory hate towards an individual or group. "Hate speech" is a complex phenomenon, differently defined and addressed in countries. Through this module we will give clarity to what falls under the definition and how we can support our students in analysing their and others' communication and act for their and others' safety. 

Regional Resilience

In this course we will focus in the different components and phases of the lifecycle of resilience region city or community. First, we will make a theoretical and visual review about the phases that a resilient region passes. In the second part we will see the multiple stresses and shocks that local and regional governments have to face in their communities and urban areas; also the crucial role they must play perform to reduce risk and build resilience in their cities and territories.

Resilience Basic

The present course will introduce you to the concept of resilience, its basic terminology and current studies, its different areas and types, as well as the interconnections existing among them. Starting from a definition of personal resilience and then moving to community level, considering both the local and global dimensions, the module will guide you in the analysis of those resources, actions and assets that facilitate resilience.
Thus, it will focus on the regional resilience framework/concept, as a long-term integrated planning, providing some case studies for the analysis of specific measures adopted for resilience building, in response to challenging events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, it will examine how the effects of a shock may contribute to the increased resilience capacity of a community/region.

Emotional intelligence

This course aims to provide an overview of the importance of developing emotional intelligence, a skill today considered fundamental for a person's personal, social and professional development, which is why it is officially part of the educational programs of Italian schools of all order and rank.

Course creator: Emiliano Mungiovino

Guerrilla marketing

Questo corso ha l’obiettivo di fornire una panoramica sul fenomeno mondiale del Guerrilla marketing e sul suo sviluppo prendendo in esame alcuni esempi pratici per mostrare come possa essere usato all'interno del communication mix.

L'argomento è stato sviluppato in piccoli capitoli, ognuno dei quali tratterà singoli argomenti per facilitare l'organizzazione del tempo di studio. 

Course creator: Emiliano Mungiovino


This course aims to explain the concept of Netiquette and to teach you the main rules to respect in the online world.

The topic has been developed in small chapters, each of which will deal with individual topics to facilitate the organization of study time.

Course creator: Emiliano Mungiovino

Life skills

This course aims to provide an overview of Life skills, skills now considered fundamental for a person's personal, social and professional development, which is why they are officially part of the educational programs of Italian schools of all levels.

Course creator: Emiliano Mungiovino

Digital Storytelling

This course aims to provide an overview of the importance of Digital Storytelling. By analyzing its main characteristics we will try to understand its potential from a communication point of view and, by examining some practical examples of companies, we will try to explain how it can be used to improve communication.

The topic has been developed in small chapters, each of which will deal with individual topics to facilitate the organization of study time.

Course creator: Emiliano Mungiovino


This course aims to provide an overview of the global phenomenon of Phygital Marketing and its development by examining some practical examples to show how it can be used.

The topic has been developed in small chapters, each of which will deal with individual topics to facilitate the organization of study time.

Course creator: Emiliano Mungiovino

Conversational Marketing - Brand Awareness e Content

This course aims to provide an overview of the global phenomenon of conversational marketing and its development by examining some practical examples to show how it can be used to improve Brand Awareness and the conveyance of Content.

 The topic has been developed in small chapters, each of which will deal with individual topics to facilitate the organization of study time.

Course creator: Emiliano Mungiovino

Coversational Marketing - Leads and Sales

This course aims to provide an overview of the global phenomenon of conversational marketing and its development by examining some practical examples to show how it can be used for lead generation and sales.

The topic has been developed in small chapters, each of which will deal with individual topics to facilitate the organization of study time.

Course creator: Emiliano Mungiovino

Conversational marketing - le basi

Questo corso ha l’obiettivo di fornire una panoramica sul fenomeno mondiale del marketing conversazionale e sul suo sviluppo prendendo in esame alcuni esempi pratici.

L'argomento è stato sviluppato in piccoli capitoli, ognuno dei quali tratterà singoli argomenti per facilitare l'organizzazione del tempo di studio. 

Course creator: Emiliano Mungiovino

Product Placement

The Product placement course aims to provide an overview of the global phenomenon of product placement applied to communication by examining some practical cases.

The topic has been developed in small chapters, each of which will deal with individual topics to facilitate the organization of study time.

Course creator: Emiliano Mungiovino

Teaching to multilevel class

This course aims to provide an overview of the main teaching methodologies useful for any course and field of study.

The topic has been developed in small chapters, each of which will deal with individual topics to facilitate the organization of study time.

Course creator: Emiliano Mungiovino

Social Media: i Social Network

Questo corso ha l’obiettivo di fornire una panoramica sul fenomeno mondiale dei principali Social Media con un focus sui Social Network. Analizzando la loro nascita e il loro sviluppo  si cercherà di comprenderne le potenzialità dal punto di vista comunicazionale e, prendendo in esame alcuni esempi pratici di aziende, si cercherà di spiegare come possano essere usati all'interno del communication mix.

L'argomento è stato sviluppato in piccoli capitoli, ognuno dei quali tratterà singoli argomenti per facilitare l'organizzazione del tempo di studio. 

Course creator: Emiliano Mungiovino

Viral Marketing

Questo corso ha l’obiettivo di fornire una panoramica sul fenomeno mondiale del Viral Marketing e sul suo sviluppo prendendo in esame alcuni esempi pratici per mostrare come possa essere usato all'interno del communication mix.

L'argomento è stato sviluppato in piccoli capitoli, ognuno dei quali tratterà singoli argomenti per facilitare l'organizzazione del tempo di studio. 

Course creator: Emiliano Mungiovino

WhatsApp Business

This course aims to provide an overview of the global phenomenon generated by the use of WhatsApp Business in conversational marketing and its development by examining some practical examples.

The topic has been developed in small chapters, each of which will deal with individual topics to facilitate the organization of study time.

Course creator: Emiliano Mungiovino