Creative thinking

Thinking is a process during which new knowledge is formed. It is an interaction of the individual with the material world, the world of human experience (own or the others) and the world of ideas, symbols and values. Thinking starts from a state of non-understanding or bewilderment and ends with an explanation note about procedures or facts. When we use Creative Thinking tools they enable us to escape the barriers of how we usually think about a problem and solve it, they allow us to generate lots of ideas and help us to get ready to take effective action.

This module and its accompanying activities are designed to develop Creative Thinking as a skill and to help you to apply it in the daily running of your business and for your personal development. The suggested activities will enable you to think creatively when you want to solve a problem, need to overcome challenges or when you want to develop something innovative.

In essence this module will act as a framework to support you in facing and overcoming your challenges in the process of turning them into opportunities.

Learning objectives and results:

•      To stimulate new ways of thinking within the business so as to create a constant stream of fresh and original ideas

•      To use the theoretical and practical materials of creative thinking to generate, evaluate and select new ideas