Problem solving

Welcome to the Problem Solving Course! In this course, we will explore the art and science of problem solving and equip you with valuable skills to tackle challenges effectively. Whether you're a  teacher, a student, a professional, or simply someone who wants to enhance your problem-solving abilities, this course will provide you with practical techniques and strategies to approach problems with confidence.

The current school situation places teachers in front of complexity that requires to act quickly and precisely, despite the uncertainty, to learn to recognize problems and to find means that can be used to deal with them.


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It becomes important to develop one's ability to carry out an objective analysis of the information available and develop one's own critical thinking and awareness. This kind of attitude helps in becoming active, dynamic, able to reflect and responsible. It also helps to set oneself openly towards others by taking an interest in their points of view.

 Teachers are increasingly becoming facilitators of the learning process. From this point of view, it becomes essential to find tools and new educational methods, and especially to develop personal skills such as problem solving and critical thinking, to help students become the subjects of learning

Criador de disciplinas: Sofka Boyanova, Софка Боянова