Systems thinking

In this course, we will explore the  field of systems thinking and we will delve into the fundamental concepts of systems thinking and how it can be applied to analyze and tackle complex challenges in diverse areas. Systems thinking provides a unique perspective for understanding complex problems,  identifying patterns, and finding effective solutions. This course will equip you with valuable knowledge and skills to approach problems holistically.

Many of today's complex challenges cannot be overcome with the narrowly focused and disconnected thinking of the past. Managers must make decisions and take action in a complex environment where finance, economics, markets, people and nature are interconnected and interdependent. Systems thinking focuses on the relationships between the elements of the system and the interaction of the system with the environment, as opposed to focusing on the elements themselves. It is holistic (integrative) thinking rather than analytical (disaggregative) thinking. This course introduces the world of systems and systems thinking. We will explore the benefits of this approach and learn the tools managers can use to leverage the nature of systems, even in complex and unpredictable environments, to influence outcomes in a more profound way than can be achieved with "linear" or "mechanistic" thinking.