In the Negotiation course, you will develop the skills and competencies necessary to articulate your requirements and inquire about their fulfillment. You will acquire skills and methods that will enable you to present what you want without appearing aggressive or inappropriate. For instance, you will grasp how to give and take with another negotiating party in order to find a solution that satisfies both parties. You will also learn how to advance further in negotiations by adopting a growth mindset that seeks to 'expand the pie' and maximize the benefits for all parties, rather than splitting the difference between them, which typically results in one party prevailing. As you develop these skills, you will establish more trusting and mutually beneficial relationships with your clients and coworkers.

After completing this course:

• You will comprehend what negotiation skills entail and their significance in the daily work of a social worker after concluding this module.

• You will be able to manage your own interests and expectations and convey them to clients and coworkers.

• You will be able to establish your self-respect and convey your need for others to respect you without resorting to force.

• You will learn how to approach negotiations with a growth mindset.

• You will be able to protect your own interests while keeping others content during negotiations.

• You will feel more at ease engaging in challenging negotiations, even if initial responses are negative.